Welcome to Lion Tarps
Lion Tarps are tarpaulin manufacturers that supply a wide range of products, from cargo nets to bakkie covers to many different tarpaulin products.
We supply to both private anda industrial sectors in taut liners, cargo nets, tents, boat , trailer, and bakkie tarps. With our 35 years of Experience in the tarps and PVC industry, you’ll have the peace of mind that our products and service are the best in South Africa and compare to International standards.
Beste Orpie,
Hiermee ‘n foto’tjie van die seiltjie wat julle aan die Loerie Kinderhuis geskenk het!
Net om weereens baie dankie te sê!
Die seiltjie kom baie handig te pas en word werklik opreg waardeer!
Vriendelike Loeriegroete,